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Resources by Project

August 13, 2016

The Teenage Brain, a project done by the 6th grade of High Tech Middle, was an investigation of the adolescent mind. Adolescence is a time of great change and development, students explored the guiding questions:

  • What is a healthy teen brain? 

  • How does the teen brain change and develop?

  • How does the brain affect identity, personality, and emotion?

  • How does technology impact a teen brain?

  • What habits contribute to a healthy brain?

January 31, 2016

Kinecting History was an 8th grade exploration of American History through the process of researching Contitutional Amendments. Students wrote op-eds that analyzed the historical context, impact, and modern significance of a paticular Amendment, and then engineered a rolling ball sculpture to represent their research.

Imagining Other Worlds, a project done by the 7th grade of High Tech Middle school, is a cross between science and humanities, in which students wrote short stories based on real planets and moons, inside and outside our Solar System.

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